Cordoba bullfighting schedule 2013
Saturday 25th May. Young bulls of La Quinta for: Javier Moreno “Lagartijo”, Emilio Bresó and Rafael Reyes.
Sunday 26th May. Rejones. Bulls from La Castilleja for: Andy Cartagena, Leonardo Hernández and Diego Ventura.
Wednesday 29th May. Young bulls from La Morantilla for: Manolito Vanegas, José Alcalde El Rubio and Romero Campos.
Thursday 30th May. Bulls from La Palmosilla for: Daniel Luque, El Cid and José Luis Moreno.
Friday 31st May. Bulls from Núñez Cuvillo for: Alejandro Talavante, Miguel Ángel Perera and David Mora Jiménez.
Saturday 1st June. Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq for: Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares and Finito de Córdoba.
Sunday 2nd June. Becerrada tribute to the women of Cordoba.

Year: 2013
Shows: 7
Triumphant bullfighter: